Electric field tunable bandgap in twisted double trilayer graphene

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<oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:oai_dc="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd">
  <dc:creator>L. Perrin, Mickael</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Jayaraj, Anooja</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Ghawri, Bhaskar</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Watanabe, Kenji</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Taniguchi, Takashi</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Passerone, Daniele</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Calame, Michel</dc:creator>
  <dc:creator>Zhang, Jian</dc:creator>
  <dc:description>Twisted van der Waals heterostructures have recently emerged as a versatile platform for engineering interaction-driven, topological phenomena with a high degree of control and tunability. Since the initial discovery of correlated phases in twisted bilayer graphene, a wide range of moiré materials have emerged with fascinating electronic properties. While the field of twistronics has rapidly evolved and now includes a range of multi-layered systems, moiré systems comprised of double trilayer graphene remain elusive. Here, we report electrical transport measurements combined with tight-binding calculations in twisted double trilayer graphene (TDTLG). We demonstrate that small-angle TDTLG (~1.7−2.0ᵒ) exhibits an intrinsic bandgap at the charge neutrality point. Moreover, by tuning the displacement field, we observe a continuous insulator-semimetal-insulator transition at the CNP, which is also captured by tight-binding calculations. These results establish TDTLG systems as a highly tunable platform for further exploration of magneto-transport and optoelectronic properties.</dc:description>
  <dc:publisher>Materials Cloud</dc:publisher>
  <dc:rights>Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode</dc:rights>
  <dc:subject>Twisted multilayer graphene</dc:subject>
  <dc:subject>2D materials</dc:subject>
  <dc:title>Electric field tunable bandgap in twisted double trilayer graphene</dc:title>