• The Materials Cloud Archive is a moderated repository. Once you submit your record for publication it will be reviewed by the Materials Cloud moderators.

    By registering with your email to the Materials Cloud Archive, moderators can contact you for any comments/explanations prior to publication, and notifications can be sent to you regarding the status of your record throughout the entire submission process.

    Moreover, by signing up you will have access to your personal work area where all the records you submitted to the Archive are stored. This will make it easier for you to track the records you submitted, to create new versions of records already published or change their references and keywords.

  • Click on the 'Log in' button, top right of the menu bar.
  • Log in with your email and current password.
  • Click on the arrow next to your email and select 'Change password', top right of the menu bar.
  • Type in your new password and click on the 'Change password' button.
  • Click on the 'Log in' button, top right of the menu bar. Log in with your email and password.
  • Click on 'My records' on the menu bar. Click for example on 'Records published' to see your published records.
  • Yes.
    You can submit your record to the Materials Cloud Archive even if your paper hasn't yet been submitted to a journal. Once your paper is published you can update the references in the record.
  • Yes.
    The DOI is registered when you create the record in the Materials Cloud Archive. The DOI will become active when the record is published.
  • If the changes to the record are the keywords or the references you don’t have to create a new version. For any other change (for example the title, the description or one of the files) you need to create a new version. A new DOI will be assigned to the new version.
  • The total size of files per record is 5 GB. It is 50 GB for AiiDA databases. Exceptions can be made in some specific cases.
    If you need to upload files above these limits contact us at archive@materialscloud.org explaining your motivation and we will evaluate your request.
  • A published record can be accessed via its DOI link.

    Materials Cloud DOIs look like this:


    and can be accessed using the standard DOI resolver:


    A DOI is generated as soon as the author creates the draft of the record, but it will resolve only after the record is approved by the moderators and published in the Materials Cloud Archive.

    Also, it will not change once it is published in the Materials Cloud Archive, so authors can already add the citation in their paper drafts, even if the record has not been published yet.

    In addition, upon publication a record will also receive a Materials Cloud record ID, that looks like this:


    where the first part is the year and the second part is a sequential number in order of publication. This plays the role of the volume and article number in a standard publication. You can find a suggestion of how to cite a Materials Cloud record in the corresponding page.

    Finally, the record URL looks like this:


    However, we recommend to always use the DOI link, when you want to make sure that the URL will continue to resolve also in the future, e.g. in references of scientific publications.

  • Since May 28th, 2020 the Materials Cloud DOI suffix has changed.

    The new DOI suffix meets the DataCite guidelines for being:

    • opaque without semantic information
    • short and human-readable
    • resistant to transcription errors
    • easy to generate
    • well suited to a web environment and to be part of a URL

    For a more readable and easy to remember link you can directly refer to the Materials Cloud Archive record ID. The latter consists of the record publication year followed by a sequential number.

    Example of links to a record:

