Influence of carrier-carrier interactions on the sub-threshold swing of band-to-band tunnelling transistors
JSON Export
"revision": 7,
"id": "2378",
"created": "2024-10-03T13:20:23.331651+00:00",
"metadata": {
"doi": "10.24435/materialscloud:sm-90",
"status": "published",
"title": "Influence of carrier-carrier interactions on the sub-threshold swing of band-to-band tunnelling transistors",
"mcid": "2024.149",
"license_addendum": null,
"_files": [
"description": "Folder containing the DFT, Wannierisation, quantum transport input and output data.",
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"description": "README file describing the contents of the folder",
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"owner": 1514,
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"keywords": [
"electronic structure",
"Wannier functions"
"conceptrecid": "2377",
"is_last": true,
"references": [
"type": "Journal reference",
"doi": "10.1109/LED.2024.3417307",
"url": "",
"comment": "Related paper for this data",
"citation": "C. H. Xia, L. Deuschle, J. Cao, A. Maeder and M. Luisier, \"Influence of Carrier\u2013Carrier Interactions on the Sub-Threshold Swing of Band-to-Band Tunnelling Transistors,\" in IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 45, no. 8, pp. 1504-1507, Aug. 2024"
"publication_date": "Oct 08, 2024, 12:45:47",
"license": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International",
"id": "2378",
"description": "Band-to-band tunnelling field-effect transistors (TFETs) have long been considered as promising candidates for future low-power logic applications. However, fabricated TFETs rarely reach sub-60 mV/dec sub-threshold swings (SS) at room temperature. Previous theoretical studies identified Auger processes as possible mechanisms for the observed degradation of SS. Through first-principles quantum transport simulations incorporating carrier-carrier interactions within the Non-equilibrium Green's Function formalism through self-consistent GW approximation, we confirm here that Auger processes are indeed at least partly responsible for the poor performance of TFETs. Using a carbon nanotube TFET as testbed, we show that carrier-carrier scattering alone significantly increases the OFF-state current of these devices, thus worsening their sub-threshold behavior. The results are in the folder uploaded.",
"version": 1,
"contributors": [
"email": "",
"affiliations": [
"Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH Z\u00fcrich, Gloriastrasse 35, 8092 Z\u00fcrich, Switzerland"
"familyname": "Xia",
"givennames": "Chen Hao"
"email": "",
"affiliations": [
"Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH Z\u00fcrich, Gloriastrasse 35, 8092 Z\u00fcrich, Switzerland"
"familyname": "Deuschle",
"givennames": "Leonard"
"email": "",
"affiliations": [
"Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH Z\u00fcrich, Gloriastrasse 35, 8092 Z\u00fcrich, Switzerland"
"familyname": "Cao",
"givennames": "Jiang"
"email": "",
"affiliations": [
"Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH Z\u00fcrich, Gloriastrasse 35, 8092 Z\u00fcrich, Switzerland"
"familyname": "Maeder",
"givennames": "Alexander"
"email": "",
"affiliations": [
"Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH Z\u00fcrich, Gloriastrasse 35, 8092 Z\u00fcrich, Switzerland"
"familyname": "Luisier",
"givennames": "Mathieu"
"edited_by": 576
"updated": "2024-10-08T10:45:47.296279+00:00"