Origin of high strength in the CoCrFeNiPd high-entropy alloy
JSON Export
"revision": 1,
"id": "379",
"created": "2020-05-12T13:53:59.051494+00:00",
"metadata": {
"doi": "10.24435/materialscloud:2020.0045/v1",
"status": "published",
"title": "Origin of high strength in the CoCrFeNiPd high-entropy alloy",
"mcid": "2020.0045/v1",
"license_addendum": "",
"_files": [
"description": "The VASP calculations of the alloys elastic constants.",
"key": "MRL_CoCrFeNiPd.tar.xz",
"size": 11217544,
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"owner": 18,
"_oai": {
"id": "oai:materialscloud.org:379"
"keywords": [
"High-entropy alloys",
"solute strengthening theory",
"yield strength",
"conceptrecid": "378",
"is_last": true,
"references": [
"type": "Journal reference",
"doi": "10.1080/21663831.2020.1739156",
"url": "",
"comment": "",
"citation": "B. Yin, W. A. Curtin, Materials Research Letters, 8, 209\u2013215 (2020)"
"publication_date": "Apr 27, 2020, 00:00:00",
"license": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International",
"id": "379",
"description": "Recent experiments show that the CoCrFeNiPd high-entropy alloy (HEA) is significantly stronger than CoCrFeNi and with nanoscale composition fluctuations beyond those expected for random alloys. These fluctuations were suggested to be responsible for strengthening. Here, a recent parameter-free theory for initial yield strength in fcc random alloys is shown to predict the strength of CoCrFeNiPd in good agreement with experiments. The strengthening is due mainly to the large misfit volume of Pd in CoCrFeNi, indicating that the effects of the non-random composition fluctuations are secondary. Analyses of strength variations and strengthening-associated length scales help rationalize why dislocation motion is insensitive to such fluctuations. These findings point to the value of theory for understanding the mechanical behavior of HEAs. ",
"version": 1,
"contributors": [
"email": "binglun.yin@epfl.ch",
"affiliations": [
"Laboratory for Multiscale Mechanics Modeling (LAMMM) and National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (NCCR MARVEL), \u00c9cole Polytechnique F\u00e9d\u00e9rale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland"
"familyname": "Yin",
"givennames": "Binglun"
"affiliations": [
"Laboratory for Multiscale Mechanics Modeling (LAMMM) and National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (NCCR MARVEL), \u00c9cole Polytechnique F\u00e9d\u00e9rale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland"
"familyname": "Curtin",
"givennames": "W. A."
"edited_by": 98
"updated": "2020-04-27T00:00:00+00:00"