A new dataset of 175k stable and metastable materials calculated with the PBEsol and SCAN functionals
JSON Export
"revision": 6,
"id": "815",
"created": "2021-04-07T14:13:05.770852+00:00",
"metadata": {
"doi": "10.24435/materialscloud:r5-gx",
"status": "published",
"title": "A new dataset of 175k stable and metastable materials calculated with the PBEsol and SCAN functionals",
"mcid": "2021.60",
"license_addendum": null,
"_files": [
"description": "Compressed json file containing the PBEsol calculations",
"key": "2021.04.06_ps.json.bz2",
"size": 47298780,
"checksum": "md5:0b531d860712eebc041cb96f7528fa4c"
"description": "Compressed json file containing the SCAN calculations",
"key": "2021.04.06_scan.json.bz2",
"size": 47500066,
"checksum": "md5:ddc18b90c504d34b037ab4218d7fd44c"
"description": "Table containing a summary of the calculations",
"key": "ps_scan_summary.txt",
"size": 18283038,
"checksum": "md5:b23b5cb8d2e8f9f5a481754935e6f079"
"description": "Example code and description of the data fields in the summary",
"key": "README.txt",
"size": 1437,
"checksum": "md5:074360c1858f897c9532219de80252b2"
"owner": 364,
"_oai": {
"id": "oai:materialscloud.org:815"
"keywords": [
"density-functional theory",
"PBE for solids"
"conceptrecid": "814",
"is_last": false,
"references": [
"type": "Preprint",
"citation": "Jonathan Schmidt, Hai-Chen Wang, Tiago F. T. Cerqueira, Silvana Botti, and Miguel A. L. Marques (submitted)"
"publication_date": "Apr 09, 2021, 11:46:43",
"license": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International",
"id": "815",
"description": "In the past decade we have witnessed the appearance of large databases of calculated material properties. These are most often obtained with the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) functional of density-functional theory, a well established and reliable technique that is by now the standard in materials science. However, there have been recent theoretical developments that allow for an increased accuracy in the calculations. Here, we present a dataset of calculations for 175k solid-state materials obtained with two improved functionals: PBE for solids (that yields consistently better geometries than the PBE) and SCAN (probably the best all-around functional at the moment). Our results provide an accurate overview of the landscape of stable (and nearly stable) materials, and as such can be used for more reliable predictions of novel compounds. They can also be used for training machine learning models, or even for the comparison and benchmark of PBE, PBE for solids, and SCAN.",
"version": 1,
"contributors": [
"affiliations": [
"Institut f\u00fcr Physik, Martin-Luther-Universit\u00e4t Halle-Wittenberg, 06120 Halle (Saale), Germany."
"familyname": "Schmidt",
"givennames": "Jonathan"
"affiliations": [
"Institut f\u00fcr Physik, Martin-Luther-Universit\u00e4t Halle-Wittenberg, 06120 Halle (Saale), Germany."
"familyname": "Wang",
"givennames": "Hai-Chen"
"affiliations": [
"CFisUC, Department of Physics, University of Coimbra, Rua Larga, 3004-516 Coimbra, Portugal"
"familyname": "F. T. Cerqueira",
"givennames": "Tiago"
"email": "silvana.botti@uni-jena.de",
"affiliations": [
"Institut f\u00fcr Festk\u00f6rpertheorie und -optik and European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility, Friedrich-Schiller-Universit\u00e4t Jena, D-07743 Jena, Germany"
"familyname": "Botti",
"givennames": "Silvana"
"email": "miguel.marques@physik.uni-halle.de",
"affiliations": [
"Institut f\u00fcr Physik, Martin-Luther-Universit\u00e4t Halle-Wittenberg, 06120 Halle (Saale), Germany."
"familyname": "L. Marques",
"givennames": "Miguel A."
"edited_by": 100
"updated": "2021-10-20T14:05:17.426011+00:00"